Below is a quiz I made for school children as part of the "I'm a Scientist, Get me out of here!" event.  Enjoy! :)


Ever wondered which species of crayfish you are?  Of course you have!  Take this quiz to find out . . .  

Compared to others, I am 
Teeny in size

Where would you like to live? 
Somewhere in pristine condition... nice and clean
Anywhere really... I'm pretty easy going!
Somewhere with a temperate climate - not too hot, not too cold!  The UK suits me nicely
I'm VERY fussy, I have a list of things that I have to have if I want to be happy in my home

Do you travel much?
Not at all, you'll only find me in one place!
All the time... I love traveling!  Especially to new places!
Not really... although I have relations in several different countries
I've covered an area of around 100 km, so not far I suppose

What's your biggest fault?
I take ages to mate... I can't be bothered having babies until I'm really old!
I'm very aggressive... nobody messes with me!  I get into fights a lot
I get ill easily
I'm very easily disturbed - I prefer peace and quiet!

What do you think about the future?
It scares me... but I'm not without hope
It's looking pretty good for me (although people don't like me much!)
Sometimes I get worried about it but with a little help from my friends, things should hopefully turn out alright!
It worries me ALL the time

Choose a word!